Wednesday, October 17, 2012



Sat Sept 22: We left Portsmouth Yacht Club at 5am heading to Plymouth MA.  The weather  was overcast, windy with building seas.  There was a Front coming in and it was a good time to be heading in the other direction. Full foul weather gear was the preferences for this trip.  Bob got to wear his new musto bib pants, he looked good and more importantly he was comfortable.  The Seas and wind calmed down as we approached Cape Cod Bay and the weather overall improved.  Coming into Plymouth Harbor was interesting, lots of turns, that were thankfully well marked.  When we got close we called the Plymouth Yacht Club (PYC) to  take us to our mooring for the night at a cost of $45. We had made reservations and it was a good thing since the harbor was full. 

We stopped for a drink at PYC and checked out the club.  It had a nice atmosphere and had some more services then ours.  My friend Cindy picked us up outside club and we at the East Bay Grill. We enjoyed our time with Cindy and then we were off to the boat to get some sleep for early am departure at "o dark thirty".

Sunday Sept 23: 3am came much too quickly, but we got up and headed out of harbor. It was not all that easy, we had some issues with lighting the channel markers but did make it out without incident.  The spot light did not last long so we used my dive light. The weather was cold but not bad, at least we didn’t need the foul weather gear.  

Bob tried to get some sleep on the way to the Cape Cod Canal but I had to interrupt him when an alarm went off.  It was the engine and it had run out of oil. Bob tried to find the problem but we needed to get to the Sandwich Marina and a dock.  We sailed to the entrance of the canal, put the last quart of oil in the engine and then motored to a facing dock, shut down and spend the rest of the day working on the engine.  The oil sending unit sensor broke off in the block, we are assuming from age and engine vibration. The oil must have sprayed out of the engine at about 62psi, what a mess. After walking to town and being misguided to several different places for diesel oil we came back with oil but not what we wanted. 
 Cindy and her sister Sue were on the way to the Cape and picked up the diesel oil we needed.   They stayed on board for a bit and brought Bob back to hardware store for parts. It appeared he would not be able to repair engine so we made plans to stay till we could get a mechanic to come on Monday.  Just as I was making the plans he came into the office and said he needed one part and we would be fixed.  The lady in the office took him to town for the part, very nice.  The Marina really wanted us off the dock since they had lots of boats coming in for haul out the next morning.  Bob installed the part and we were ready to leave.  

We tried to buck the current in the canal but after dropping to less than 2 knots we had to turn around and wait in the Bay for the tide/current change, predicted for 4:10pm.  We anchored, took showers and then headed back into the canal for a nice ride to Buzzards Bay.  

The winds were with us so we put the sails and headed south toward Newport RI. As the winds and seas picked up we reefed sails and made good progress to the Sekonnet  River.  I took us to our mark at the mouth of river and Bob took us up the river to Bristol.  Figuring out the bouys and lights was again a bit tricky since there were so many other distracting lights.  I am not sure how you would do this without a GPS. 

Monday 9/24 At 2am we arrived at  Bristol Marine, found the mooring, hooked up and headed to bed.  Bob had to get up at 4am to go back to NH to work.  Two hours sleep was not enough, we were both very tried all day.  I stayed with the  boat and talked with the Bristol Marine folks, and all the other venders we had lined up for work.  I hope I was coherent.

My cousin Jay picked me up at 5:30pm for a shower and then dinner at his house with Trish. He returned me to the boat around 8:30pm.  I crashed hard until I woke up abruptly to a strange noise coming from the hull.  I determined it must be outside, but it sounded like nothing I had heard before.  What now I ask!  It would get loud right in my ear, I think back to Shirley saying the aft cabin was noisy, hmmm.  Then the sound would travel forward and around the other side, fade a bit, then come back down the hull and get louder, sounded like tapping and scratching and water slapping at weird places. I finally got up since I was envisioning all kinds of strange things, and looked outside.  I am not sure what I was expecting but when several ducks took off I figured out what was going on.  The darlings were cleaning the boat, now nice, but not in the middle of the night, please. How I long for the popcorn shrimp that were at least predictable.


Tue. 9/25 - After my late night adventure I tried to sleep in, but there were people coming on board so I got up at 6:30am  and got ready for action. I Took the kayaks off the bow, and tried to clean up the boat. Dan Murphy and Bill Killian came by to measure for the awning and check out the mast. I may have them do the strata glass for the cockpit.  It seems pulling the mast today is not a good idea because the tides are not good, so next week we will pull mast.  Bill and Dan were very helpful and I would like to continue to use them for future needs.  Bob is picking up the running rigging from R&W on his way back to the boat.  There is an electronics person, Mike, coming out to boat to check out what we need for wind indicator, that blew off, auto pilot and GMI 10. The weather today is warm but very windy. 

9/28 - 10/2 - At mooring at Bristol Marine waiting for more favorable tides to pull mast.  Bob went back to Dover Sunday.  Jay introduced us to a welder, George, a Vietnam vet, who will repair the davits and weld a piece in each davit to reinforce it.  
 Bill Killian came on board  with his wife Shirley to do final measure for awning. They are very nice people. Mike, the yard manager came by Monday to pull mast, but said he could wait for Tuesday since all was not quite ready.  Bob came back down later in the day and got boat ready for pulling mast. 

After mast was pulled the Yard said we could haul out the boat for a reduced price so we could have the bottom cleaned, check zincs and work on boat. I videoed pulling mast in water, it was interesting and all went well so we were relieved.  

Bob checked the sheaves at top of mast, they were frozen and the lines swollen, it was a bit of a mess.  Bob managed to get the sheaves out of mast and we brought them to George to see what he could do. He said he could fix them for us so we will pick up sheaves and davits next Friday.  

10/5 Friday  I  picked up the new custom mattress in Portland, then we headed to Bristol.  We stopped at George’s first to pick up davits and sheaves, he did an amazing job. We decided to stay on the boat, no one was around so no problem.  After unloading the truck we went to bed in a very comfy aft cabin. 

 10/6 Sat. We  got up early and went to breakfast then started running the rigging through the mast, The day consisted of cleaning the mast closet, cleaning  standing rigging, davits and rails,  cleaning spots missed by pressure washer on  bottom of boat. It was a long day, Bob crashed at 7:30pm.

10/7 Sunday We continued work on the mast and then started unhooking the Garmin. Bob started buffing the hull.  We ordered GMI 10, wind indicator, stainless steel frame for the chartplotter and display pods, more running rigging, radiator cap, insulation for mast closet, led lights, NMEA 2000 ends, connectors, short cables, bosuns chair, and checked on cover for mattress. 

10/8 Columbus Day: To celebrate the holiday we completed buffing and waxing all 90’ of the hull; it was a major accomplishment and looked great when finished.  However, we did need some Advil.  The mast is ready to go back on tomorrow, but the tides are not right for launching the boat so one more week on the hard. I will come back on Thursday to meet Bill for the final awning measures.

10/11Thursday: I met Bill and Shirley for the final fitting of the awning.  The boom had to be put back on so he could get the correct measures. I showed Shirley the art work and the color scheme for the forward cabin.  I may have them cut down the spread so it fits better.  She took my material for the fenders and may fix them.  

I had a break so I got some lunch and when for a ride around Colt State Park.  It was impressive, I did not realized how large an area it covered.  

I took some photos and then went back to work.

 I did stay at Jay’s house for the night since it was cold and I needed a shower.  

10/12 Friday:  Bob arrived late in the evening, the traffic was very bad, it took him 4 hours to get here. We decided to stay at Jays since it was cold and we had dinner with Jay and Trish.  I had gone back to house earlier to work on computer and stay warm.

10/13 Sat:  We headed to boat early, but had breakfast at the Hope diner, very good home fries. Our challenge today was to to get rigging up for sails. we were going to pull the main out but thought it would not be good if the wind picked up and blew us off the stands.  So, we will save that for the water. Bob worked on tapping and drilling holes on the stainless steel frame for the chart plotter cables.  This all took longer than expected but it always does. All challenges were overcome and another successful day was had. We had to finish up by 4:30 so we could go to Peg and Herbs for dinner.  Bob picked up the pizza and we had a nice time with Peg, Herb and Tony. Back to boat and tried out sleeping in the forward cabin with new mattress, sheets, blanket and comforter.  Nice.

10/14 Sunday: Today was a bit warmer and our goal was to rewire the mast closet.  I went to Newport West Marine for some parts and a heater.  I forgot to pick up the zinc for the prop shaft. I Hope the yard has one for tomorrow's launch.  Bob had to leave so he could work tomorrow, so I picked up a chicken dinner and  worked on the computer.  The new heater is pretty good, much better than the older one. I got as much as I could ready for the re-launching tomorrow.

10/15 Monday:  It’s a good thing I was up early because the boys were buzzing around the yard at 7am getting ready for the launch.  The wind was up and the bay was very lumpy.  The launch went well and they put me on the facing dock.  I hooked up the electricity and put the kayaks back on the deck.  They may have to move me to a mooring later this week.  Dan did not come by with the invoice, and I missed Bill who dropped off the awning.  Dan is going to email the bill and Bill and Shirley will meet us for cocktails next week on board.

As I was preparing to leave I stopped in the garage to see Mike, the yard manager, to tie up any loose ends.  I met Marty Needleman, a fellow sailor, and we exchanged stories and email addresses, he said he would like to read my blog and follow our sailing progress. That is the best thing about the sailing community, they are actually interested in what you are doing and where you are going.  There is always something to be learned from others experiences. And what great stories from those seafaring folks.


August 27 - 28:  Shirley and I headed to Boothbay Harbor.  We arrived at the shipyard and I found a ride out to the boat  from from Jean in his prototype  electric Downeaster small lobster boat.  Very quiet.   We cruised  around town and stopped by Ed Brown’s Art Gallery to discuss art work then enjoyed dinner at the boat house tapas grill.  
August 28 Shirley and I went to the Maine coast botanical gardens.  The gardens, sculpture, stone work and over landscaping was incredible. we spent the day exploring most of the area. 


August 31 Friday: Bob, Shirley and I prepared for departure to Portsmouth NH.  The engine guy came by late to finish up. 

Sept 1: The weather was very nice as we departed for Snow Island.  Shirley caught up on reading, since she had seen enough of the Maine coast line with all the trees and rocks. 

At Snow Island the cocktails on board at anchorage were perfect.  I put the swing, went for a windy  kayak ride then Bob took us for a dinghy ride around the Islands.  

Sept 2: It must be Shirley's influence because the weather was very nice on our trip to Jewell Island. We went ashore and  Shirley got all kinds of information from VInny, the steward, about island. Apparently there were 400 troops on the Island during war. The wood from the  structures left behind, were used by locals to build houses. I took lots of photos and Shirley tried to scare the kids in the abandoned tunnels.  

The dinghy was beached when we got back from exploring.   Bob kayaked in and pulled the dinghy off  the rocky shore and got us back on board for cocktails and dinner.

Sept 3: Again our departure for Portsmouth went smoothy and we had a good sail in good weather.  We Picked up our mooring in front of Portsmouth Yacht Club and headed home.  

t was a very nice end to the summer cruising along the Maine Coast. It must have been Shirley's good influence, because it was the best weather of the entire trip to Maine. 


From August 12 - August 31st The boat was in Boothbay Harbor Maine for engine work, hull cleaning, shopping, visiting with friends and sister.

Sun Aug 12 - 13:  Our plan was to head for Falmouth, however Bob checked the oil, it was fine, I checked the weather and was crappy. Oh and of course it was foggy.  After a sleepless night we made the smart choice and navigated through thick fog back to Boothbay Shipyard and picked up mooring #12. After removing two dinghy loads of "stuff" off the boat, 
Bob had to take the dingy back to the boat in the rain, put it on the davits and then get into the kayak and paddle back in.  He was wet when he arrived but at least he had not fallen in.  

Tue Aug 14 I headed back to Boothbay and spoke with Eric at the Shipyard about a diver and mechanic. My friend Kate stopped in Boothbay on her way home from Swans Island.  

We cruised around town and had lunch at the Boat house Bistro. The engine mechanic came to the boat and  I took advantage of his visit and hitched a ride back to the shipyard otherwise I would have had to come back out and take the kayak ride in.  Kate and I headed back to Dover NH ffor the night.